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C++ Introduction
Welcome to the C++ introduction, here you will learn how to write efficient C++ programs. I will be using the
bloodshed dev C++ compiler, so all the information I will be putting in the C++ lessons will be worked in
bloodshed, so if you are using a different compiler be careful if the code does not work because compilers differ
in how they need to be written, if you want the bloodshed compiler or just need a compiler go here:
Here is the homepage:
And here is the download page directly, if this doesnt work use the homepage and go to downloads and look for
and get the bloodshed dev C++ compiler so you can write and run C++ code.
Why bloodshed?
It is easy to work with for me and I started with it and since I already learned how to do things with it, I just
keep on using it, I'm not saying its the best but its nice at the very least for beginners if anything.
Now that you have a compiler to compile your C++ code, now it is time to utilize it and start learning C++
using namespace std;
int main()
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